Ролик древний, но русского перевода до сих пор не встречал, поэтому решил, что он не повредит. Озвучка на французском, перевод со вшитых английских субтитров вшитыми русскими субтитрами (вышло наложение, но всё читабельно). АК-47 перевёл как "Автомат Калашникова" во избежание ненужных споров.
Оригинал: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7t9t7HzZR8
По правилам сообщества, выкладываю оригинальный (точнее, английский) текст:
Democratic Republic of the Congo
The worldwide financial crisis has hit us all hard, but help is on the way. Earlier today, Parliament approved an economic stimulus package that will provide every Congolese citizen with an AK-47. Lawmakers designed the stimulus package to create jobs in the fastest growing sectors of the economy: contract killing, kidnapping and highway banditry.
- This isn't a simple handout. It will create jobs for years to come, as long as ammunition is available.
- I lost my job as a civil engineer five years ago. With this stimulus package, I can kill the man who took it.
The first assault weapons were mailed out this week.
- To help the little guy.
- Now we can go to the garbage dump to rummage for building supplies without worrying about
the rebels raping us to death. Now I am my own boss.
Economists have praised the plan.
- It is a great plan. Those who survive it will have a much high standard of living. The stimulus may be so beneficial we'll be able to start exporting violence.
- When we return we'll have some for using your stimulus package to get a wife.