Официальное письмо:
We are disappointed to notify you that due to a United States Executive Order, issued December 19th, we are required to close your account, along with the accounts of all clients and freelancers in Crimea. If you no longer reside in Crimea, please respond to this email, as this restriction only applies to individuals residing in Crimea, not all of Ukraine.
It is greatly unfortunate that American companies and individuals are now prohibited from operating with Crimean based parties, but we regretfully must comply with this new law and have temporarily closed your Elance account.
The most difficult and negative impact of this executive order is that we are required to hold any funds in your Elance account while you reside in Crimea. In order to release the funds to you, please reply to this email with a notarized written statement that you no longer reside in Crimea, a non-Crimean photo identification copy and a payment method (not located in Crimea) where we could transfer the funds. We will also notify any clients you are currently working with on Elance.
We sincerely hope that we can work with you again in the future. Elance is in the process of applying for a special license to operate in Crimea but these are rarely granted and may take several months to obtain. In the meantime, we wish you the very best in your endeavors.
Kind regards,
Elance Customer Service
В общем, речь идёт о том, что аккаунты фрилансеров и клиентов проживающих в Крыму закрываются (вроде как временно, но до конца не ясно), а средства на них замораживаются до тех пор пока не будет предоставлена фотография нотариально заверенной бумажки о проживании за пределами Крыма, фотография не крымского удостоверения личности и способ оплаты не имеющий отношения к Крыму. Вызвано это, как утверждается, новым распоряжением правительства США от 19 декабря 2014 года. Odesk надеется исправить эту ситуацию и говорит о паре месяцев и надежде на сотрудничество в будущем.
Информация взята с хабры.